Friday 2 September 2016

Adamawa State Transport Corporation: How Umar Baba Nyako Shamed Traducers

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The success of every government or organisation lies in the hands of its leaders and those leaders, cannot succeed except they have good cabinets, counsellors or advisers with outstanding record of service. Such people would give and bring good ideas for the development of the organisation.
The above qualities which became the hall mark of the general manager, Adamawa State Transport Company Ahmed Umar Baba Nyako coupled with his wealth of experience spurred Governor Mohammed Umar Jibrilla, to appoint him the GM of the company for the second time having meritoriously served the organization in the past.
Since his resumption in office as the general manager for the second time, Engineer Nyako has distinguished himself well in justifying his quest to revive the ailing transport company which was rendered economically prostrate by years of neglect and maladministration.
Upon his assumption in office, Eng. Ahmad has purchased new buses to re-invigorate the transport system in Adamawa State.
He also repaired the broken buses which are now used as means of transport within Adamawa and neighbouring states, known as “local running”.
Engineer Nyako, had opened some routes to ply the vehicles, such as Yola – port Harcourt, Yola – Lagos, Yola – Calabar, Yola – Goundare in the Republic of Cameroun among others.
Apart from ease in transport, Ahmad also ensured that he remitted the money generated by the company to the government’s coffers without delay.
Moreover, Ahmad Nyako was one of the brains behind the recent building and fencing of the company as well as the complete transfer of the whole ministry for proper service delivery by his Excellency, Senator Jibrilla.
As a good leader, Engineer Ahmad Nyako always ensures equity, justice and fairness in his relations with his staff, irrespective of their ranks, tribe, region or religion. He is also loyal to his superiors in office that earned him more respect and cordial relationship with his seniors, colleagues and juniors.
Therefore, for some people to conspire with the state labour congress, simply because of their connection with them calling for his removal in office, is the height of insensitivity.
Because as I earlier stated, Engineer Ahmed Nyako’s appointment is not accidental rather, it is because of his dedication, quality, hard work, transparency, honesty, equity and justice.
Thus, for some people to accuse the engineer of religion bias and tribalism, simply because of his refusal to grant them gratification, amounts to an exercise in futility.
Consequently, I am calling on our amiable governor and the good people of Adamawa State to disregard such allegation, that those accusers are government saboteurs who do not have the interest of the state at heart except for themselves and families.

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